This beer is definitely in my regular rotation, and has been present at many of my favorite celebratory occasions, as well as small get-togethers, beer bong, and many football (soccer) games. Let me tell you, never has Modelo Especial been anything but a solid beer to have at your disposal. Modelo is significantly smoother than Corona (which is the most popular Mexican-made beer in America, not Mexico) and has a crisper aftertaste that takes some getting use to. Much like a Corona, Modelo tastes much better once you add a lime wedge in the bottle, but I always recommend squeezing the wedge into the beer first, then inserting it into the bottle, placing your thumb firmly in the opening, and turning the beer upside down so the lime floats to the top (which is the bottom of the bottle). This truly spreads the lime taste that really compliments an ice-cold Modelo Especial, but if you push for more authenticity, try adding a shake or two of salt to the mix, but don't add too much, or the beer while rapidly rise! This beer is definitely a welcome addition to any rotation and I would certainly rank it above a Corona, which to many may seem like sacrilege, but these are also the people who drink what they see advertised and of course find the taste to be amazing.
Final Verdict: A solid beer for the regular rotation that should bump Corona out of the mix, is wonderfully refreshing, and carries with it great drinkability - especially with lime!