Had high expectations for this beer, which was mistake number one I soon discovered, as I took a big gulp of the 4.5% alcohol tasteless Corona (an already non-tasty beer) with the shark fin on it. Thoroughly disappointed, I had hoped that Land Shark Lager would pack more of a punch, but the bottom line is this beer lacks taste. It is very light and easy to go down, reminding me of a prominent ingredient in this crap, water, something I do not want my beer to remind me off! What this beer lacks in flavor, it makes up in "chuggability" (totally not a word) though, being that water is probably the easiest thing i the world to chug, and this beer is not only made up primarily of water, the folks who bottle this crap were so generous as to leave the watery taste in there for our consumption. Thanks for nothing guys, when I feel thirst for water, I usually pay a dollar for a bottle of Poland Spring, I don't order a beer! Nobody wants to consume a beverage that is so eerily reminiscent of water when they are consuming any type of alcoholic beverage! Even the bottle is stupid looking and I am glad no one was here to actually see me holding it, with my terrible luck, they catch a picture of me and it circulates around the Internet promoting the horribly inaccurate notion that I actually enjoy this watery crap, or perhaps even worse, that I enjoy holding bottles with animated sharks on them. Even the cap sucked!
Final Verdict: This beer sucks! It tastes entirely like water and I will never purchase it again (neither should you). Also, stay away from sharks. Sharks are not friendly.